We, sōlscience, only attended Day 1. But, I can confidently say it was the best show we've been to. And, since daddy duties were calling, we left right before the concert shenanigans started which was all good since our main objective to was to experience the vendor booths and the speaking panels and not to have an aching lower back the next morning from all the parlaying. Success. And, not that we really know whether or not Mark Ecko was actually hands on, but for argument's sake let's say he was, which is a strong possibility, and if you've at least read his book Unlabel, then you kinda have these grand expectations for #ComplexCon and the Complex brand. Long story short, ComplexCon met all of our expectations. And then some. Only later did we find out it was also supported by Agenda which only made more sense considering Agenda is the definitive of trade shows for the culture. It's really crazy to think that I got sucked into all of this via entities such as Digital Gravel, Evil Monito, and The Weekly Drop probably just a couple of years after the turn of the millennium. 15 years ago, I would've never imagined I'd still be a fan of everything I saw.
For thoughtful, in-depth content on ComplexCon, Bobby Hundreds (always) nails it.
Other than that, we wanted to simply express kudos for the creative set-ups from all of the present brands and companies small and large.
We were able to get some pretty cool photos, though. Before we get into it, some personal highlights from our experiences.. because really, we're just fans nerding out.
Finally saying a quick what's up to Complex meme extraordinare @MrTonyMui
Listening to Ice Cube and Tony Hawk from about 50 feet away was inspirational.
Photo-Op w/ Jeff Staple!
Photo-Op w/ Ben Baller!
Photo-Op w/ Wale gone wrong (we didn't get the photo)!
Photo-Op w/ Jon Buscemi!
Seeing @The_Perfect_Pair
Seeing Bobby Hundreds (pass by)
Seeing Action Bronson
Shaking hands w/ @franalations (since we're huge SandalBoyz fans)
Photos in no particular order...