YET, at least.. NOT FOR SALE YET. Meaning, it might be, it might not be, we haven't really decided as of right now.
Like most parents' kids that use our product, co-founder Daichi's son is super into basketball (Clippers fan, if you're wondering). And so when D copped his son the Kyrie 5 SpongeBob series, a lightbulb immediately lit up. We'd been working on various fragrances that never see the light of day and one of them is a pineapple scented sneaker freshener. As soon as the SpongeBob series Kyrie collection dropped, we thought how fun it would be to create a pineapple scented ANTIDŌT Sneaker Freshener inspired by SpongeBob and his pineapple house. And so here it is... we're calling it ANTIDŌT "Pacific Pineapple," but for now, we're only giving away FIVE bottles for FREE via our Instagram account, @antidot_fresh. So good luck! And, if you're one of the five winners reading this, reach out to us and let us know how you like Pacific Pineapple. How does it smell? And, how do your kicks make you feel knowing they're F-R-E-S-H!?!?
Oh, and a magnetic sponge base is included. But don't wash dishes with it.