Summertime, 2009. That's around the time I reached out to Neek - simply out of intrigue.
Becoming fascinated with streetwear and creative culture probably just one or two years after the new millenium, discovering the online presence of entities such as Digital Gravel, Evil Monito, and The Weekly Drop, I was completely sucked into this world through my computer monitor and headphones. There was also one long-form blog with no images, but I forget the name...
Guys like Bobby Hundreds, Alyasha-Owerka Moore, and Mark Fatlace were (and still are) some of my inspirational sources. Neek was someone that I discovered via an earlier version of The Hundreds blog. We spent a good hour or so on the phone; he was friendly and down-to-earth. Our relationship never grew from there, but I was blogging for Fatlace at the time and I believe there was some sort of intertwining w/ the automotive aftermarket/tuner world - Neek's interest in cars was prevalent back then as much as it is now, the only difference being a Lambo instead of an xB. Never imagined that he would move from Las Vegas to Los Angeles and start what some might consider the new Supreme. This was the pre-Instagram, pre-Facebook, blogging days. You can still find remnants of one of his many digital imprints here.
Anyhow, we recently got contacted by a long-time friend with ties to their crew and got our hands on some exclusive A.S.S.C. merch (even the Frenzy app drop) - which basically reminded me of this article written about the pre-ASSC Neek. It's always cool to see people from this world blow up. And, it prompted me to simply want to write this before sharing the interview with Neek from 2009 with our 6 hardcore followers. Neek, if you ever stumble upon this, I hope you don't mind...